Dev tools Square Dance


For the longest time I was a died-in-the-wool Adobe guy, not quite a full-on fanboi, but pretty close. I used Dreamweaver since before Macromedia acquired Homesite, and loved it. It seemed the perfect blend of proprietary dev options, and open-source options. I could dev .NET pages, PHP pages and work with HTML5 and custom mobile … Read more

Easy Android side-loading using OS X & Terminal

If you’ve been looking for a super easy way to side load your app on to your Android device, or multiple devices for testing or just for fun – well hold on to your butts – this is super easy on a Mac. Open a terminal window and go to the platform-tools folder within the … Read more

Big brands go mobile – even if they don’t know why

smart phone

The list of brands out there with an app has a lot of girth to it, and is growing faster than a snotty little girl who just ate the 3 course dinner piece of gum. Unfortunately, not all of them are doing something unique, usable, or even all that interesting, and ends up being another … Read more

3 months of .NET, PHP and a new job in Portland.

Has it really been 3 months? Yeah, I guess it has; almost. It’s been crazy, really crazy. I have been busier at work than I have in almost 2 years, which in this case was long overdue and much needed. I’ve been spending my days converting a custom .NET site to run on the WordPress … Read more

REWORK : Essential reading for… everyone.

Rework is one of those books; you know the ones. The kind of book that opens your mind to ideas. Changes your attitude, and brings you a clarity of thought that you have not had in a while. Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson (you know, the guys who started 37signals?) knocked this one out … Read more

HTML5 for Web Designers – A Book Apart

A couple of weeks ago I dropped some coin to get my copy of HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeremy Keith, and it arrived at my door on Friday. The first book in the “A Book Apart” series from the folks over at A List Apart is an excellent introduction to HTML5 and covers more … Read more

Why developers suck more than Flash

Flash has always been an easy target. It doesn’t matter if you are still quoting Jacob Nielsen’s 10 year old shellacking on Alertbox, or if you just can’t get past the still (unfortunately) present skip intro button, Flash is the favorite whipping boy of the intarwebs. The reality of it is that Flash is a … Read more

App updates & the quagmire of iPhone App development

I’ve been meaning to update my first iPhone app FIB-U-LATOR now for a while, and have been consistently distracted by many a thing; not the least of which is developing a new app which. Since I originally posted FIB-U-LATOR to the App Store, a lot of things have changed on my end as far as … Read more

Finally submitted app to iTunes for review

The last week has been the ultimate test of my development patience and intestinal fortitude (yyeeaaahhhh!!!). I’ve have spent probably around 12 to 15 hours creating, deleting, downloading, and veraciously swearing at certificates, provisioning profiles, and xcode trying to work the Apple Voodoo to get my app to be able to be signed, then accepted … Read more

Fill DropDownLists for birth date in ASP.NET

I’ve been building a ton of forms lately for various things at work, and I got tired of having to fill and update all of the fields for dropdowns used to collect a registrant birth date, so I worked out a bit of code to do it for me on Page_Init. Now I don’t have … Read more

Photoshop World: Pre-con goodness

Not really much to report other than my excitement about being in Boston, directly across from MIT, in the area of Fenway Park, and at Photoshop World for the first time. I checked in about 5, and went upstairs to the convention center and first thing I ran into a former colleague Laurie Excell from … Read more

App development on the Mac

I started working in my spare time a week or so ago on building my first iPod/iPhone app using Apples Xcode and App Builder tools, and right off the bat I noticed something unique about these applications; they are intuitive and well developed. The interface for both applications is clean, and uncluttered, cut down to … Read more

Test your site for IE goodness with IE Tester

Looking for a functional way to get IE 8 and IE 7 to run on my machine today, I found the IE Tester project, and I have to say that for an all in one IE testing app, it works quite well. Up until today the only tool I had at my disposal was Multiple … Read more

Google Chrome: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

The world doesn't need another web browser. As a web designer this move by Google to further tighten their stranglehold on the web is annoying as hell. With the addition of Google Chrome to the wonderful world of the interwebs, this simply means there will be another browser than will need to be develop and … Read more

Good planning = good development

I love what I do; designing and developing RIAs and complete sites is the Cherry on top of my list of jobs that fall into the category of the anti-job. Simply put, my job for the most part is not work for me in the traditional sense. It is at times very difficult, stressful, involving … Read more

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