A couple of weeks ago I dropped some coin to get my copy of HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeremy Keith, and it arrived at my door on Friday.
The first book in the “A Book Apart” series from the folks over at A List Apart is an excellent introduction to HTML5 and covers more than just enough to get you into trouble. For their Freshman book effort, HTML5 for Web Designers is accessible and easy on the cranial lobes for even the most inexperienced designers.
Jeremy touched on the design of HTML5, and all of the big touch points that are getting lots of air-time, but made a point to get into web forms, microformats, and semantics. For more information on the book right from Jeremy Keith, check out his appearance on The Big Web Show in May before the book was released last month. This is a great book for, well, designers who are just about ready to jump into the ocean of HTML5 and need an easy way to get more information.
It’s a quick read, and well worth the $18 bucks. I would recommend this book to just about anyone who needs an quick and easy primer to HTML5. And for those who have been losing sleep over it; it’s HTML5 – no space.