I started playing around with HDR photography a bit, and it’s interesting what gets picked up and some of the tools that interface with Photoshop. It’s pretty flippin cool.
The image shot here on the right, was made up from 5 separate images, shot at 1 stop intervals from 0. I did not use the auto bracket feature. I shot an f/8 for all 5 images, at 50 ISO, then did 2 stops up and 2 stops down. I controlled it all via shutter speed, to get the best depth of field I could from my Nikon Coolpix 8700, which apparently is not in the product line anymore. Yipppeeee!!!! I love being obsolete.
Before I digress too far…. I plan on shooting a ton more HDR images this summer, as well as using my new medium format camera around the area – so stay tuned for more images. Back to the image at hand. It’s my house. Duh. I made 2 separate variations; one from within Photoshop, and another using Photomatix. Both images can be seen on my Flickr site. Keeping in mind I haven’t done a lot yet, but I like the variations in color tone that you can easily achieve from with Photomatix. It really makes for an interesting blending of surrealistic tones within the photograph. You can also create an image that is much more traditional as well. Photomatix runs about $100 or $70 for just the tone mapping plug-in to Photoshop. I’m just using the trial version, but will most likely purchase the full version soon.
Also, if anyone is in the market for a new digital camera, the Sony DSC-T5 kicks pixelated butt! I just got one on sale at Staples so I would have a camera to tote around with me so I can shoot more images, and it’s awesome. I’m not going to go through the specs, but I am very happy with it. I will posts some shots from that soon…
I really like this pic 🙂 I like the way the sky is and the colors that got picked up. 🙂