I am downright giddy! One of my favorite geek-toys([url=http://www.thinkgeek.com]Think Geek[/url]) sites has seen fit to feature my Stikfas Blue Ninja in it’s [b]Action Shots[/b] section. [url=http://www.thinkgeek.com/cubegoodies/toys/70d9/action/210d653/][b]Check it out![/b][/url]
I have to find him a rep now, and see how many more gigs I can get him. Maybe I can convince Sony pictures to ressurrect Kung Fu Theater on Saturdays – Chow Yun Fat look out!
Now for those of you who are not hip to what Stikfas is/are… [url=http://www.stikfas.com][b]go here! NOW![/b][/url] Stikfas are cool little poseable action figures that run the gamut of personalities and come disassembled (my favorite part). You get to put them together, put decals on them to personalize them and then let them do furious battle at night whilst you sleep. Maybe not that last part, but they are cool. There are a plethora of places to get Stikfas and clue in.
[url=http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=stikfas&btnG=Google+Search]Click here to get with it…[/url]