So how many of you remember [url=http://www.idsoftware.com/games/quake/quake3-gold/]Quake III Arena[/url]? Wanna have some FSP frag time fun? I just installed that again the other day, and you know… I think that has got to be the best FSP I have ever played. Hands down.
[url=http://www.doom3.com/]Doom 3[/url] is cool, has some kick butt graphics, [url=http://www.xbox.com/en-US/halo/]Halo[/url] is awesome; but Quake is the best damn game. Don’t argue. Don’t deny it. Accept your role in life as a Quake junkie, and you will be in a much happier place.
So if you’ve got a itch to scratch – look for me I’ll be playing. Server name: PennFrag.
Don’t forget the update either – you’ll need it. [url=http://www.idsoftware.com/games/quake/quake3-arena/index.php?game_section=updates][b]Point Release 1.32[/b][/url]
I shoulda brought my CD home form work!
*from* even
Just burn a copy of it. It will let you do that easy enough, then you can have copy at work and home – that’s what I did. You should get Team Arena too – it’s in the Gold pack. They have the chain gun in it 🙂 Which I love…
Oh man … QUAKE QUAKE QUAKE! Now where the heck did I put that disk!
Nothing better than some blood and guts served up Quake Style! =)