So Now Donovan is a screaming 4 year old with the attitude to match! Well, I guess his birthday party was a rousing success (you would think I would know, but alas I was holed up in the Hospital… again)he got tons of toys and we even rented one of those inflatable bouncy rooms for the weekend, which I know was a success.
Many thanks go out to the fam for the contributions to the gifts- as [url=http://www2.trekbikes.com/Bikes/Kids-BMX/Kids/Ages_4-6/Jet_16/index.php]his bike[/url] and his new [url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B00006IJIJ/ref=dp_product-image-only_0/103-0081253-5393447?%5Fencoding=UTF8&n=171280&s=toys]Fire Jeep[/url] are a [b]HUGE[/b] hit and we may have finally found his currency. He almost didn’t get his bike, the guy who runs the [url=http://www.justridingalong.net]local bike shop[/url] was sick that week, and was finally in the shop on Friday – so we just made it.
I posted a couple of pics in the [url=https://www.floggingenglish.com/photoPages.php]photo section[/url] as well – but not too much as of yet…