What the Flock!?

FlockOkay. So maybe I’m a little behind the times with this one. But as the realizations of  Web 2.0 come to a fevered pitch, I hear more and more about the interesting features, theories, and yes; browsers, that will be built for and into this project to reinvent the wheel.

Flock is the newest browser to hit the Internet (well not yet, but soon). Based off of the Mozilla code, a team of rabid zealots are frantically programming their mark on the world, one function at a time. It sounds really interesting, and if it is as solid as Firefox – I will most certainly be checking it out. That’s not to say I would abandon Firefox – but who knows right? There are some screens up on Flickr, so take a look.

It is labeled as a social browser. Hmmmm. Interesting. Creating an interface to the web, trying to achieve a 2-way experience for the user. By sticking with Firefox at the rendering level, and utilizing technology like Greasemonkey, Flock seems to be on the right track to emulate and enforce many of the praise winning features of the web services it is planning on more fully utilizing. Such as Flickr and Technorati. There’s a pretty interesting discussion here about the features and such – short, but interesting…

For those not in the know about Web 2.0 (hey, I rhyme!), check out what Tim O’Reilly has to say on it. Very interesting indeed. I’m not exactly sure how this going to impact what i do – but I’m quite sure it will. This is an extremely well thought out article, with clear explanations, examples and good diagrams. It’s well worth the read. There too, is the Web 2.0 Conference which is still going on through Friday.

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