Welcome to Vermont & Happy Anniversary

Highway 302 in VermontHere we are stopped on the side of the road just after scrambling up a slippery rocky hillside to get some shots of a waterfall in the rain. We are just near Mt. Washington, not that you would be able to see through all the rain and the clouds – but Vermont and New Hampshire are very beautiful states, especially in the fall. You see, yesterday was our 10th anniversary!

Litsa came up with the idea of heading up this way a few months ago, and we figure Boston would be a stop along the way. Well, all that changed when I suggested w go to Mt. Washington, and then we found ourselves way up here in North Conway. The whole trip up has been amazing. We stayed in Bennington, VT the first night (hence the title) which is a cool little town and left out quite early so we could just meander the whole way here. We discovered this cool little sign shop shop that had some amazing hand-made bird houses, so we bought one. All along the way the roads were littered with amazing old houses, barns and towns in various states of repair or disrepair, and North Conway isn't all that different – a little more touristy maybe, but still very cool.

We haven't done much yet, but then again that's sorta the point really – and my only criteria were that I not come home more tired than when we left and we not spend 5 days in the car. The three things we know we are going to do are, go to Freeport Maine (and likely Portland), ride the Conway Scenic Railroad, and go back up the road to those falls where we stopped yesterday.

Here's how we got here:

2 thoughts on “Welcome to Vermont & Happy Anniversary”

  1. That looks so amazing and beautiful! Have a great time! Will you get to ride the steam locomotive? I am so jealous! 😉

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