Go Lance!
So it’s up and running again, and the race is always amazing. Right now a young American by the name of David Zabriskie is leading the race. He’s only the 3rd American ever to wear the Maillot Jaune (yellow leaders jersey)! He’s racing his first Tour ever to boot! If you remember, a similar thing happened last year when Thomas Voeckler (French rider for Bouygues Telecom) led the race for the first 10 days. So, Cheryl Crow was getting her interview by Al and Bobke, and she said she got to ride the team car with Bernard Hinault!? WTF?! Who is she that she gets to sit next to one of the greats in cycling? She’s just a freakin’ girl-friend! Lame! Lame! Lame! I’m not sure what this country will do for it’s next hero after lance retires after this years Tour. Hmmmm…. I vote for president Bush… NOT!!!!!
Anyway, the Tour is off to an exciting start, I can’t seem to wait to watch the next installment from my wonderful DVR. Lots of recording and deleting going on here – but it’s worth it. Oh yeah, one more thing… Get Bobke off the frickin’ stage! I know he has a following ‘cus he’s a "personality" and all – but he’s a dolt. Sounds like an idiot. Gives American cyclists a bad name. The Tour does not need to be dumbed down for the American public. Joe six pack isn’t going to sit through 3 hours of race coverage a day anyway – so stick ol’ Bob Roll back in the closet and let him appeal to the Mtn. Bikers…