The Great Cthulhu too!

First Annual Great Cthulhu Giveaway Okay, here's the deal. I happen to have another Great Cthulhu – and according to some archaic law, this Cthulhu must be housed in a new dwelling lest there be a battle amongst Cthulhu's in my home (does not want!). The first bloke to post I want my Cthulhu! in … Read more

The Great Cthulhu lives!

This has been a running joke in our house for a while now, in fact ever since the Lamantooie Massacre in fact, that my wee son Dylan is the Cthulhu of the Legoverse. So when my wife saw this pattern she had to make one… erm… actually, 3? Well it was supposed to be for … Read more

My son is the Cthulhu for the Lego-verse

My youngest son, who just turned 4 not too long ago – has evolved into the official Cthulhu for the Lego Universe. Just replace the victims on this shot of a Vinyl toy available from Brand Fury, with minifigs – and it’s spot on. I got him a couple more little Lego trains for his … Read more

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