Seriously good time waster; Line Rider

Line RiderI was goofing around on the intarweb again today – oooh! I know, huge shocker…. Any way, I ran across this guys video on YouTube made with a little Flash app called Line Rider. He is apparently a Stargate Atlantis fan and he set his video to the theme of the show, and made dude a character in his story. Pretty cool – got me hooked on playing with this thing.

Fly dude, fly

Over the last several hours I have been playing with this, and then I started looking again at some videos from this dude on YouTube, and I ran across TechDawg. All I can say is freakin’ wow! The stuff this guy creates is absolutely amazing, what an artist. I can hardly imagine the amount of time involved in creating these tracks. Spectacular. And he’s not the only one. These thinga are all over the place, and there is a treasure trove of sweet clips of dude performing all sorts of death defying stunts – he even Jumps the Shark!

You have to start somewhere

So it might as well as be at I Ride the Lines. I found it only after I created my pathetic little clip, but it’s mine and I like it. The site has videos, tutorials and a Pirate’s Booty full of information. There are some line tools to help you make cueves and circles but watch for the vets, they’ll slag you for it. You know, the whole cheating aspect of it. Whatever – purists are always a bit right of center – but I guess I can see the point if there is some sort of contest and someone wins by using these tools. I can’t really see getting that up in arms about it though. The Premium tutorials are the place to get really going.

The thing that struck me is that it is really pretty hard to figure out on your own without dedicating some serious time to it. Which is true of anything that is worth while, but that’s ultimately what makes the ones who put a ton of time and effort into the making of the tracks – their dedication, engineering and artictic ability really stands out.

I foresee many more hours dedicated to goofing around with this.

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