Happy Birthday – iPhone style!

So the other day was my birthday, and after dinner, cards, 3 boxes and a lot of packing popcorn I finally got the “You’re shittin’ me” moment when I torn into the last bit of wrapping and there I staring face to face with an iPhone box. With an iPhone in it. Seriously, this is … Read more

Moblin 2 crawls along on VMware

The other day when I installed Moblin back onto my Macbook with VMware, I just sort of went the route of set it, and forget it. I didn’t spend a lot of time playing, and didn’t pay a whole lot of attention either. I noticed the interface had changed, and like it, but that was … Read more

Installing Moblin 2 on your MacBook Pro with VMware

I originally installed Moblin 2 a while ago and was really impressed with how lightweight it was, how quickly it installed, and how absurdly fast it would boot. Well I fielded a couple of questions since then about a bit more detail, so I decided to put this slideshow together. Hosted from my Flickr account, … Read more

Excellent use of the Flickr photstream grid by norby.

A few days ago I was wandering through Flickr and I ran across the image on the right, where norby used the grid layout to form complete images within the photostream. This is great. Not only are the photographs quite nice, but when added up into a grid utilizing the functionality of the site to … Read more

Fill DropDownLists for birth date in ASP.NET

I’ve been building a ton of forms lately for various things at work, and I got tired of having to fill and update all of the fields for dropdowns used to collect a registrant birth date, so I worked out a bit of code to do it for me on Page_Init. Now I don’t have … Read more

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